FROM: Dr. Barbara Leger
TO: All current supporting and sustaining donors, recent past donors and friends who encourage, send prayers and good thoughts and to those who are watching and waiting to see if we have the staying power to see it through. (FYI…. 🙂 we do…:)
I thank you in advance for considering supporting us. Our past success in the pilot projects raised us to this level of expanding numbers, more visible to the educational community. Our grit and vision is great AND we can no longer do this by stringing together our bootstraps. This is a moment of possible nation wide growth we must respond to and from it, this project goes global. We ask you to join us.
The goal for this program funding is $20,000; that will cover all program costs as they are now until next Thanksgiving. And we want you, those who are already invested in one way or another in the vision and possibility, to know that it is time for significant investment to anchor the organization the educational and community market. We will ask for your guidance, your leads and referrals and works to secure funding with us.
Specifically, over the next year, we will be seeking investment in infrastructure, technology and resources to expand capacity of current staff, We also must secure funding to hire an experienced Director to guide the NGO and project going forward.
And in the leadership development category, we can really use 7-10 skilled and passionate or dedicated volunteers and 2 or 3 new people to join our inspired Board of Directors. We are guided by a vision of PEACE, PURPOSE and POSSIBILITY for Ukraine and all people living in a world that works better for all life.
Wherever we are on the PEACE path – whether it is hoping it is true, wanting to believe it, or knowing that WE MUST believe it, Spirit is clear with me about this – PEACE On Earth In Our Lifetime will be.
Whatever you are doing to further the emerging planetary PEACE, thank you from all of us – it takes us all doing whatever we can and most important – we must really become peaceful beings and doers for it to emerge and endure.
Even when it would be easier to be angry, disappointed or frustrated at a last minute changes, continued challenges or things not going our way, we must daily restore our inner PEACE: breathe, trust and give thanks for our choice to Put PEACE 1st.
Whether you can make a donation today or some time soon, let us know, and we will send you the workbook that our students use as a thank you gift and as we do this project together, we all feel the UPPlift it reveals as we renew the commitment to walk the talk of the steppingstones of peace.
From the inner clarity of PEACE, we more naturally unite in our willingness / readiness to listen and be able to seek to understand those who stand on the other side of the divide. With PEACE in our hearts, even in the face of the ‘enemy’ or ‘other’, it is here that we can discover our common values and hopes and dreams for our loved ones, our country and world.
Until we can do this, we must keep doing the great work of being a master gardener – removing rocks, adding fertilizer, planting seeds, watering and pulling weeds AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, preparing jars/baskets for the harvest we know is coming.